Our first English update

Darwin – Kununurra


Today (Monday, 16-4) we descended Kununurra (Western Australia). As you know, we started our journey in Darwin. Gosh, what bloody hot is that place. We found a good Caravan park with excellent swimming pool near Howard Spring Nature Park (that unfortunately was closed because of the recent flooding).

Although it looks the dry season is already started (normally the wet ends, end of April) most of the places worth seeing are still closed by flooding and attractions are starting from May.

Some Caravan Parks we visit had internet but for some reasons we did not grab the time to connect. Now we are again at a BIG4 Holiday Park that provided wifi connection; yes we are a little lazy 😉

The first night we slept in a hotel in Darwin because our Campervan was not available yet. But the day after our 5 berth was ready and of we go. We first stay 5 nights in the Howard Spring HP. But staying at one place was good for the rest and the swimming pool, but not for our holiday rhythm. To get this rhythm we finally made a decision; lets start travelling.

We first went to Lake Side Holiday Park near Berry Spring. Along the way we visit the Darwin Crocodile Farm, but next we better skipped this one; bad walking trails ugly park and smelling cages. The Territory Wildlife Park (TWP) –setup by the NT government- was much better! Good facilities, nice big park and a ‘train’ running from one attraction to the other.

This park was a good test to see how Tim is handling the heat, the long day (normally he sleeps 1-2 hours during the day time) and the walks. It was of course also a test for us.

The outcome was that we decided not to visit Litchfield National Park (NP) but only Kakadu NP. During our first Australia encounter we already visit both parks, so we know what the have to offer. We decided to go for the Aboriginal rock-art and the amazing view of Ubirr.

On the way to Jaburi we did a jumping crocodile tour on the Adelaide river. It was sensational to see those big crocs appearing from nowhere and jumping so high for a piece of meat. After the show Tim constantly asked for more jumping crocs 😉

In Kakadu the road to Ubirr was flooded (.6 meter) and for our camper van impassable. We walked the trails at Nourlangie Rock and did a scenic flight to the Jim Jim and Twin falls. The first 3 quarters where excellent, but than Tim throw up. Most of the stuff was catched in the bag, but gosh was a small plane it is.

From Kakadu we went to Katherine. We stayed in Springvale Homestead (the oldest homestead of the NT, 1880, with their own 34 degrees hot spring that filed their swimming pool) and did the boot trip through the Katherine Gorge on a (still from the rain season) high Katherine river.

From Katherine we followed the Victoria Highway heading West Australia. Via Victoria River Roadhouse (where I’ve been bitten by various small insects more than 30 times) and Timber Creek (saw our fist big Boab tree and wild freshies (fresh water croc) we arrived in Kununurra (West Ozzie); Big 4 Ivanhoe Village Caravan Resort with a great (salt) swimming pool). Maybe we will do again a Scenic flight to the Bungle Bungles.

See you later,
John, Lia & Tim

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